One-stops & Rapid access clinic & MDT clinic
We have designed several services to treat your condition with a multidisciplinary approach and prompt review.
Our One-Stop clinic will provide same-day care pathways which includes clinical review, laboratory tests and diagnostics indispensable to diagnose and treat your disease.
The Rapid-access allows to book a review within 48h
The MDT Clinics , Multi-Disciplinary-Team clinic are clinic lead by more than one medical specialist in collaboration with other healthcare professionals , such as physiotherapist or psychologist.
Examples of those clinics are:
- One-Stop Heart Failure Clinic includes Heart Failure Consultant review, ECG, NTproBNP & baseline bloods, Echocardiogram
- Shortness of breath clinic: comprehends Lung function test and Respiratory review, ECG, Echocardiogram and Cardiology review to diagnose heart and /or lung disease
- Family screening clinic: if a family member has been diagnosed with suspected or confirmed genetic cardiac disease , your family needs to be checked by a cardiomyopathy specialist . We offer diagnostic and genetic test
- Long COVID clinic will be tailored on your symptoms and will include a multidisciplinary approach with Internal medicine physician , cardiologist , respiratory consultant depending on your main symptoms . Diagnostic test will be tailored based on your clinical need and limited to those indispensable to clarify your condition.
- Breath Easy Geriatric is specifically dedicated for our most senior patients with chronic breathing condition , such Asthma and COPD. It will include clinical review , lung function test, Chest X Ray, poli-pharmacy review and respiratory physiotherapy
- Syncope Clinic is a multi-specialist clinic lead by a Neurologist and a Cardiology and supported by appropriate diagnostic ( such as ECG Holter for example)
- Rapid access clinic: ask for same day access, will be able to help.